How to Care For a Parakeet- By: Vinod Bhangre

Description : Parakeets are the most popular pet birds. They come in a wide array of beautiful colors and are affectionate and playful. There are many types of parakeets or rang the animal is the most common pet parakeet is the budgerigar or budgie. With a life span of about 10-15 years in captivity, they offer the companionship of a parakeet without the burden of a 50 year plus commitment.
Things to Consider Before Buying
Do you know a good Avian Vet?
If not do not buy pet birds or parrots.

Did you know that some parrots live 50 years and nothing like the black palm cockatoo more than 100 years may have an average life span, can you handle such a long responsibility and relation? What about the bird after you are gone? Who will take care of them? Think of these before buying.

Do you know that the bigger parrots can make a lot of noise? Are you ready to handle very loud wake-up call so early in the morning? Are you prepared to answer the noise problems are our neighbors?

Do you know that some pet bird species, the development of shock and can result to broken wings? Like in the Cockatoos. How are you going to deal with that?
Parakeet Cages
In the wild, parakeets love to fly so for your parakeet to be happy it needs enough room in your bird cage to fly freely. The big parakeets cage its better. A minimum size bird cage for a pair of small parakeets is 39 in. x 20 in. x 32 in. Parakeets like to climb as well as fly, so they need both vertical and horizontal space.
Parakeets don't like cold drafts so it's important keeping the cage away from windows and doors. They also don't like strong smells so keep them away from kitchens and bathrooms. They require a 60-70% humidity level, so in dry areas or during winter when the humidity in the air in many places becomes very low a humidifier may be needed.
Parakeets love bird toys. Lengths of Thick hemp rope act for parakeets gnawing toys for parakeets. They also like bird swings and bird cage ladders. Anything that protected bird safe is ideal to keep these intelligent birds busy. Take care not to include toys with thin strings or breakable parts that could harm your parakeet.
Parakeet Food
So while parakeet seed is ONE part of what a parakeet's diet should have in it, it is definitely not ALL, and a parakeet raised solely on parakeet seed will have some form of malnutrition. Even the fortified seeds you find in stores are usually fortified with a powder sprinkled on the outside of the seed. Since a parakeet hulls its seeds before eating them, leaving behind the outer shell, the fort is a little better.

The Association of Avian Veterinarians recommends the following diet for a parakeet:

50% cooked beans, whole wheat bread, cooked rice, pasta, and seed
45% fresh broccoli, carrots, yams, spinach, dandelion greens, other green/orange fruits and veggies
5% eggs, tuna packed in water, well cooked meat
Parakeet Care
When you first bring home your new parakeet, it is expected of you to be afraid. This fear, anxiety, and stress make him bite and attempt to fly away. You need to earn his trust before he will accept you.
In a quiet voice and slow movements with your parrot convinced. Talk to him and he'll soon talk back to you. As his trust in you grows, he will know even speak your language.
Short training sessions every day work best. Over and over and over and say the same phrase ... Stick with a phrase until he's got down pat. Then add a new one.

Article Source :

Author Resource : As a starter pet, parakeets are ideal. They warm, courageous and at times even their owners are seeking. Still, they are intelligent birds that crave interaction with humans so some important decisions should be made before people decide to buy parakeet.